Tag: Washington DC

Calder, Lautrec, and Feiffer


One of the things I love best about living in Washington DC is the ability to just take a short walk down to the Mall and see the latest museum exhibition.  My favorite ones (so far) were the Alexander Calder and Toulouse Lautrec exhibitions  at the National Gallery of Art and the Jules Feiffer one at the Library of Congress.


Calder2smCalder exhibition flyer


Lautrec2smLautrec exhibition flyer


Feiffer2smFeiffer exhibition flyer


Another mass shooting- this time in Washington, DC

Another mass shooting in the United States.  If I sound weary, it’s because I am.  Although it’s early and details about the shooter are still emerging, the common ingredients are all there: easy access to guns, previous gun-related arrests, the powerful gun lobby, mental illness, and  violent video games.  Here’s a graphic reflecting who commits these mass shootings from Mother Jones:Screen shot 2013-09-17 at 6.37.41 AMI guess they forgot to include a graphic showing the male/female ratio.