Tag: NSA

Edward Snowden, whistleblower

Yes, Edward Snowden is a whistleblower.  Not a traitor, not a spy, and not someone who “…ought to swing from a tall oak tree”.  Since the NSA ruling by Judge Richard Leon, I’ve been hearing more of the MSM use the term to describe, or at least pose the question that Snowden is a whistleblower.

Quite a different attitude than when we first learned of Edward Snowden:ShootingTheMessinger


A very disturbing development…

Yesterday as I was finishing up a deadline, I noticed this at the Guardian website. The partner of  Glenn Greenwald (one of the journalists who broke the Snowden/NSA story) was detained for 9 hours at London’s Heathrow airport.  As an American and an editorial cartoonist, this is a very disturbing development.  I remember right after 9/11 how ordinary people were detained for weeks without access to legal counsel, all in the name of preventing terrorism threats.

This reinforces one of my biggest fears- that people who criticize the government will be targeted.  Every time I’m interviewed  I always talk about how we American cartoonists never have to face the types of threats other cartoonists around the world do because we have the First Amendment to protect us.  This is the first time I truly feel the situation has changed.

Here’s Glenn’s response and Andrew Sullivan’s piece challenging PM Cameron.  Be sure to read the last line; the unfortunate reality is that it’s a question which needs to be asked.121201ScarletLetter

More Weiner

There’s something wrong when I, as a cartoonist, feel I shouldn’t comment on the latest Anthony Weiner scandal.  The reason for this is because the so-called news media seems to think sexting is the most important story (and the royal baby) this morning rather than minor issues like what the NSA is up to or what Congress is doing to America (which is sort of what Weiner is doing).NewsAnchor

Rep. Peter King calls for prosecuting Glenn Greenwald

With the latest developments on Syria and red lines, you might have missed a member of Congress calling for a reporter to be prosecuted for doing his job.  Appearing on CNN, Rep. Peter King said that journalists who reported the leaks of the NSA’s surveillance program should be prosecuted.  Later on Fox News he singled out the Guardian’s Glenn Greenwald, claiming that Greenwald would release the names of CIA operatives.  Greg Sargent has Greenwald’s response here.RepPeterKing