Tag: Library of Congress

Talking about free speech at the Library of Congress

Had a great turnout for our presentation at the Library of Congress on Thursday. I’ve decided my favorite fellow panelist is cartoonist Signe Wilkinson; an excellent presenter who manages to get the audience laughing even while delivering a really solid editorial punch.  Now if I can just keep her alive (she’s a serial jay-walker. Had to grab her from oncoming traffic a couple of times during her Washington visit).  photoCrowe


Signe Wilkinson, me, and moderator Martha Kennedy

photos courtesy of Katharine Blood

Humor’s Edge opening -2004

My exhibition at the Library of Congress opened ten years ago today.


You won’t find a more dedicated group who understand and value editorial cartoons than the people in the Prints and Photographs division at the Library of Congress. They’re incredibly knowledgeable about the art form and its role in American history and are devoted to preserving and protecting the original art.  To have the Library of Congress interested in adding my work to their collection was an amazing honor and an experience I’ll forever treasure.

Jeremy Adamson, Chief of Prints and Photographs

Harry Katz and Martha Kennedy, Exhibition Co-Curators

Sara Duke, Assistant Curator


HEdgeFlyer2SMHumor’s Edge flyer

Calder, Lautrec, and Feiffer


One of the things I love best about living in Washington DC is the ability to just take a short walk down to the Mall and see the latest museum exhibition.  My favorite ones (so far) were the Alexander Calder and Toulouse Lautrec exhibitions  at the National Gallery of Art and the Jules Feiffer one at the Library of Congress.


Calder2smCalder exhibition flyer


Lautrec2smLautrec exhibition flyer


Feiffer2smFeiffer exhibition flyer


Thomas Jefferson and the Separation of Church & State

C-Span opened its Washington Journal program this morning with the question “Should religion play a role in politics?”,which led me to think about  Thomas Jefferson’s letter to the Danbury Baptists and the issue of Separation of Church and State.  Several years ago I was fortunate to see at the original at the Library of Congress:danbury_2Very cool.