Washington is all up in arms about the circumstances of Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl’s rescue and the debates about whether he was a deserter and his father’s actions are again dredging up the type of bigotry we saw in the aftermath of 911. I don’t know why some talking heads are so surprised when soldiers become disillusioned after 13 years of war and witnessing stuff like this (#5).
It’s obvious that the Obama administration’s explanations about the Bergdahl rescue so far have been confusing and politically motivated but the loudest criticism about how the 5 high-ranking Taliban leaders being exchanged for Bergdahl’s release affects America’s security just makes me shake my head. I don’t remember hearing this much concern about our security when we were waging wars based on trumped up or nonexistence intelligence and creating international criticism and condemnation. Remember the French newspaper headline “We are all Americans now”? We quickly managed to lose worldwide sympathy and support by our subsequent actions in Iraq and Afghanistan. We won’t regain that or our moral standing for generations.
Tag: Iraq War
President Obama Afghanistan statement
President Obama is scheduled to announce today that combat operations in Afghanistan will be over at the end of 2014. That 13 year war (and don’t forget Iraq) was certainly worth it, wasn’t it?
Do as I say, not as I do
It never ceases to amaze me when people from the GW Bush administration offer their thoughts about current political events, completely oblivious to the irony of their words today with their role getting us into the Iraq War. Former Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld and most members of the Cheney Family seem to do this on a regular basis…From the archives (2006)
George W Bush still doesn’t get it
This past Sunday ABC’s This Week ran an interview with the former president where he talked about his involvement with veterans and the difficulties they face when re-entering civilian life. At one point Bush gets somewhat emotional and says “I’m in there with them”. No, you’re not. You (and your administration) are the reason so many are in a place where you are not.
When politicians open their mouths
In my animated editorial cartoons I only use the actual audio of my subjects. I decided on this limitation when I first began because of time, costs, and artistic reasons. Sometimes I even get a bonus when a politician pretty much hands me my idea through his choice of words:
From my sketchbook:
Mission Accomplished
It’s the 10th anniversary of the infamous George W Bush’s photo op.