Tag: editorial cartoons

Canadian & US cartoonists on The Zoomer

Last May I headed off to Toronto to attend the Association of Canadian Cartoonists convention and spend time with some of my favorite colleagues and friends.  While there a small group of us appeared on The Zoomer to talk shop and show our work.  Conrad Black (yes, that Conrad Black) is a regular participate on the network and also a frequent target of my Canadian colleagues over the years, as you’ll hear about in the interview.  Terry Mosher (aka Aislin), a longtime friend,  from the Montreal Gazette gives some great insights and of course wonderful quips.  Screen Shot 2016-07-02 at 8.00.32 AM

Talking about free speech at the Library of Congress

Had a great turnout for our presentation at the Library of Congress on Thursday. I’ve decided my favorite fellow panelist is cartoonist Signe Wilkinson; an excellent presenter who manages to get the audience laughing even while delivering a really solid editorial punch.  Now if I can just keep her alive (she’s a serial jay-walker. Had to grab her from oncoming traffic a couple of times during her Washington visit).  photoCrowe


Signe Wilkinson, me, and moderator Martha Kennedy

photos courtesy of Katharine Blood