Tag: censorship

World Press Freedom Day 2014

pressToday is World Press Freedom Day.  When I do cartoons about the media I tend to concentrate on the American one and it’s usually to criticize (see previous post).  However, there are many journalists throughout the world who are willing to put their lives in danger on a regular basis because they believe in what they do.  A free press is indispensable for a free society; it must be protected.

Bob Mankoff, cartoon editor of The New Yorker

Look who wandered into Lexington, Virginia:MankoffTelnaesKothWoodzicka

Actually, Bob Mankoff was in town to speak at Washington and Lee University about humor and cartooning.  Brett Koth (creator of Diamond Lil) and I had talked to a W&L class earlier and then joined Bob and his host, Prof Julie Woodzincka, for lunch.  Bob told some great stories about cartoons which never were printed in The New Yorker.  I had just been talking about cartooning, censorship, and “drawing the line” with students in Julie’s class so it was interesting to hear what The New Yorker would and wouldn’t accept in a cartoon.

Rupert Murdoch apologizes for Scarfe cartoon

There’s another cartoon controversy overseas; A cartoon in the London Times has been labeled as anti-semitic by some critics.  While one can question the timing of publication (Holocaust Memorial Day), I find the charges baseless.  So does the Israeli newspaper Haaretz.

Here’s the cartoon by Gerald Scarfe; make your own mind up.ScarfeNetanyahu