Tag: abortion

Virginia Gubernatorial Race- Election Day

It’s Election Day in Virginia.  The republicans have managed yet again to offer the voters a candidate out of touch with so many Americans, especially women.  Ken Cuccinelli, a staunch anti-abortion, anti-gay marriage, social far-right gubernatorial candidate for the GOP is still behind Terry McAullife, but the numbers are tightening.

*UPDATE:  Democratic candidate Terry McAuliffe wins, but it was a tighter race than most predicted.


What a Romney win means for SCOTUS

From George Will’s column today in The Washington Post:
“Much of the Democratic Party’s vast reservoir of condescension is currently focused on women, who are urged not to trouble their pretty little heads about actual problems but instead to worry that, 52 years after birth control pills went on the market and 47 years after access to contraception became a constitutional right, reproductive freedom is at risk.”

“actual problems”?  Really?

What a Romney win means for the SCOTUS