Category: womens issues

My cartoon criticizing the Israeli government

Early last week I created a cartoon about the bombings in Gaza. In editorial cartooning, there are some topics which will result in intense reactions from certain groups, as did this one. The series of events started with the Simon Wiesenthal Center issuing a press release last Friday from which the Jerusalem Post wrote a short article titled “US Jews furious over Washington Post cartoon showing Netanyahu punching Palestinian infant” (I’ll note the JP did not ask me for a comment).  So all weekend and again this morning I’ve been getting tweets and emails, some obviously group orchestrated,  accusing me of antisemitism and that I support Hamas.  Anyone remotely familiar with my work knows I never criticize people’s religious beliefs, only the actions of governments and the leaders of any organization which try to influence public policies that affect ordinary people’s lives.

I’ve been in this profession long enough to know that dealing with blowback and angry reactions about a cartoon is part of the job description. However unlike my male colleagues I also am receiving sexually violent and misogynistic threats in response to this cartoon. During the Danish cartoon controversy in 2006 I maintained that regardless of what one thinks about a cartoon and its message, no one or group has the right to threaten or censor a cartoonist. You have the right to criticize, protest, or draw your own response to the cartoon- but violence and threats are not acceptable. I am a firm believer in every person’s free speech rights, regardless if a group finds the message offensive.

I’ll give the Simon Wiesenthal Center credit for acknowledging my free speech rights but they should be aware of what some of their supporters are saying in response to their press release. Drawing a line in the Danish Cartoon Controversy2006 cartoon in response to the Drawing Mohammed cartoon controversy

Editorial cartoonist Etta Hulme has died

Etta Hulme, the cartoonist for the Fort Worth Star-Telegram has died at the age of 90.  Etta was a kickass cartoonist and a hoot in person.  Although I haven’t see her for several years, she used to regularly attend our AAEC conventions.  I can still picture her smile whenever she walked into the room. EttaHulmeCartoon

Humor’s Edge opening -2004

My exhibition at the Library of Congress opened ten years ago today.


You won’t find a more dedicated group who understand and value editorial cartoons than the people in the Prints and Photographs division at the Library of Congress. They’re incredibly knowledgeable about the art form and its role in American history and are devoted to preserving and protecting the original art.  To have the Library of Congress interested in adding my work to their collection was an amazing honor and an experience I’ll forever treasure.

Jeremy Adamson, Chief of Prints and Photographs

Harry Katz and Martha Kennedy, Exhibition Co-Curators

Sara Duke, Assistant Curator


HEdgeFlyer2SMHumor’s Edge flyer

LA Clippers owner Donald Sterling

The owner of the LA Clippers is banned for life from the NBA and fined $2.6 million after audiotape of several racist comments he made during a conversation with his girlfriend is released.DonaldSterlingFrom the looks of this guy he must be an exceptional speaker since his First Amendment right of $peech attracts such young and beautiful women.