Category: politics

Brian Williams is not the problem

The salivating Washington media is.  Don’t get me wrong; I couldn’t care less about Brian Williams.  If ever there was an example of a stereotypical blow-dried network  news anchor, it’s him.  But all the chatter by the Washington talking heads about this issue just exposes the fact that far less attention was paid to all the news personalities and organizations who didn’t hold the Bush administration accountable in the lead up to the Iraq War- a much more important issue.

06022008videoscreenclick image for my Washington Post blog and 2008 animation about this issue



Finally. SCOTUS agrees to take on marriage equality

Thirty-six states and the District of Columbia have legalized same-sex marriages.  The Supreme Court on Friday agreed to hear cases from Michigan, Ohio, Kentucky, and Tennessee over whether  same-sex marriages should be legal throughout the nation or if individual states have the right to determine that marriage should only be between a man and a woman.  It’s time for the question to be resolved.  It’s time for equality for all Americans.


The Charlie Hebdo massacre

Four cartoonists Five cartoonists were among the 12 murdered at the French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo on January 7th.  My colleagues have banded together and continue to offer their support in the way they know best- through cartoons.

I’ll add more links later but meanwhile here’s the cartoon I drew in support of Charlie Hebdo right after hearing the horrible news:


My opinion piece “The killing of cartoonists” at the Washington Post

Cartoonists and Turkish President Erdogan

President Recep Tayyip Erdogan doesn’t seem to have much of a sense of humor.  The New York Times has a story about how the Turkish president is trying to limit how he is depicted in drawings by arresting cartoonists and charging them with libel and insulting government officials (which is apparently against the law in Turkey).  The Cartoonists Rights Network International also writes about it here.

My Washington Post cartoon about President Erdogan arresting a 16-year-old because the teenager criticized him received quite a bit of traffic on twitter among Turkish readers. It also ended up on the front page of Cumhuriyet, the oldest Turkish daily newspaper.
