Senator Lincoln Chafee was a gift to cartoonists last night; unfortunately I don’t think he’ll be around much longer… (see all the sketches at the Washington Post)
Category: politics
The Nib book
The Nib is publishing a hardbound book with some of its best political cartoons and comics journalism. There’s lots of great work by cartoonists Liza Donnelly, Matt Bors, Tom Tomorrow and Brian McFadden, to name a few and a couple of mine are in there as well. Head over to their kickstarter page to contribute:
Former Speaker of the House Hastert indicted
Former Illinois congressman Dennis Hastert, who was brought in as an ethical alternative to former Speaker Newt Gingrich, was indicted on federal charges of “prior misconduct” and lying to the FBI. Some cartoons from the archive:
The 7 GOP presidential dwarfs
South Carolina Senator Lindsey Graham says he’ll announce his candidacy for president on June 1st, which brings the official republican total to seven.
Another shooting and stupid speech
My latest at the Washington Post (click image for link)
Talking about free speech at the Library of Congress
Had a great turnout for our presentation at the Library of Congress on Thursday. I’ve decided my favorite fellow panelist is cartoonist Signe Wilkinson; an excellent presenter who manages to get the audience laughing even while delivering a really solid editorial punch. Now if I can just keep her alive (she’s a serial jay-walker. Had to grab her from oncoming traffic a couple of times during her Washington visit).
Signe Wilkinson, me, and moderator Martha Kennedy
photos courtesy of Katharine Blood