Category: politics

GOP proposes to open parts of the government

We’re in day 2 of the Government Shutdown.  The Republicans are trying to change the narrative from the fact they caused the shutdown over the implementation of the Affordable Care Act (also known as Obamacare), so they’re proposing to open parts of the governments to appeal to certain groups of voters.  PanderBears

Another mass shooting- this time in Washington, DC

Another mass shooting in the United States.  If I sound weary, it’s because I am.  Although it’s early and details about the shooter are still emerging, the common ingredients are all there: easy access to guns, previous gun-related arrests, the powerful gun lobby, mental illness, and  violent video games.  Here’s a graphic reflecting who commits these mass shootings from Mother Jones:Screen shot 2013-09-17 at 6.37.41 AMI guess they forgot to include a graphic showing the male/female ratio.

Back to work

Congress is returning today after their a 5 week recess (you had most of August off from your job, didn’t you?) to face the question of Syria. President Obama will also be making his case for airstrikes on six(!) networks today, followed by a Tuesday prime-time address from the White House.

Here’s what I thought in 2003 about Bush’s push for war in Iraq:052903PiedPiperAndWMD

…and here’s what I think about Obama’s case for airstrikes in Syria.