Category: politics

W. Virginia Gov. Earl Ray Tomblin: drink the water at your own risk

The governor from West Virginia is certainly earning his pay.  At a news conference yesterday Tomblin said that area residents should make their own decisions about drinking the water from West Virginia American Water’s Elk River plant after the Jan. 9th chemical spill.  That’s right, your representatives will continue to fight any meaningful regulations protecting your air and water and when something happens, you’re on your own.



West Virginia chemical spill

The spill happened last Thursday but it looks like the MSM is finally understanding the magnitude of this story after the Sunday morning talk shows ignored it.   It’s still a developing story, but there’s at least one question which should be answered:  Why is a chemical substance which hasn’t been tested for humans allowed to be housed near a river which supplies water to communities?


For more on the spill and methylcyclohexane

For more coverage, go to The Charleston Gazette.

For my animation on the subject, from Monday


Supreme Court sexism?

Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg has had to deal increasingly with the question whether she’ll step down from the bench while a Democratic president is still in office.  Yes, she is 80 years old- the oldest member of the Court- and there’s the danger of health issues forcing a resignation during a conservative presidency.  But hey, but the life expectancy of women in the US is five years more than men.  That means that Justice Scalia (77) should consider stepping down as well as Justice Kennedy (77) and Breyer (75), right?  At least we should expect more interviewers asking them the question only posed to Justice Ginsburg…


Edward Snowden, whistleblower

Yes, Edward Snowden is a whistleblower.  Not a traitor, not a spy, and not someone who “…ought to swing from a tall oak tree”.  Since the NSA ruling by Judge Richard Leon, I’ve been hearing more of the MSM use the term to describe, or at least pose the question that Snowden is a whistleblower.

Quite a different attitude than when we first learned of Edward Snowden:ShootingTheMessinger