Category: human rights

More news coming out of the Vatican

More and more news about the Vatican has been appearing since the sudden resignation of Pope Benedict on Feb 11th.  There’s a report which investigated the 2012 scandal over leaked Vatican documents , dysfunction within the Vatican, and criticism of Cardinal Mahony’s plans to participate in the choosing of the next pope. Speaking of Cardinals involved with the Church’s sexual abuse scandals, during next month’s gathering in Rome Cardinal Law (remember him?) will not be participating; he’s 81 and ineligible to vote in the conclave.121202LawAndVatican

40th anniversary of Roe v Wade

Today is the 4oth anniversary of the landmark Supreme Court decision Roe v Wade, which made abortion legal in all 50 states.  Every year on this day the Pro-life groups descend on Washington DC to march around the Court.  I live in the area so I’ve witnessed these over the years and it always strikes me how the majority of these protesters are very young children.  012208AntiRoeDCMarch

Surveillance and your privacy

He who sacrifices freedom for security deserves neither.

I didn’t know this but the actual Benjamin Franklin quote is “Those who would give up Essential Liberty to purchase a little Temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety” or; “They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety”.

Anyway, the Petreaus still-evolving mess has brought up the issue of surveillance and how far it reaches into our private lives.  Glenn Greenwald over at The Guardian has great column about it.

Big Brother is watching