This week SCOTUS will hear two same-sex marriage cases this week; on Tuesday California’s Proposition 8 ban on gay marriages case and on Wednesday the federal Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA).
Category: human rights
10th anniversary of the Iraq War
The Washington Post has a slideshow of some of my print work leading up to and during the first couple of years of the Iraq War. Here’s a couple of them; you can see the full collection here.
“We will…be greeted as liberators”
Dick Cheney is back in the news and today is the 10th anniversary of his infamous “My belief is, we will, in fact be greeted as liberators”. Three years later Cheney doubled-down on that statement on Face The Nation.
White smoke, new pope
The wait (and excessive media coverage- but that’s another post) is over. Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio of Argentina has been elected pope. This BBC profile of the new pope describes him as “orthodox on sexual matters but strong on social justice”. I see that as a big contradiction. Women’s economic status, especially in poor countries, is affected by the lack of access to contraceptives and their position in society.
March 8th is International Women’s Day
Senator Rand Paul’s 13 hour filibuster against drone policy
Republican Senator Rand Paul spoke out against the Obama administration’s drone policy during a 13 hour filibuster yesterday. He was joined by several other republicans but only one democrat, Senator Ron Wyden.