Category: free speech

Looking back at the GW Bush presidency

I just returned from participating on a cartoonists panel looking back at the George W Bush presidency at Hofstra University in Long Island, NY.  Our moderator was Roslyn Mazer, a great supporter of cartoonists’ free speech rights who represented the Association of American Editorial Cartoonists in an amicus brief for the famous Hustler v Falwell case  in 1987.  The other cartoonists on the panel were Mike Peters from the Dayton Daily News, Steve Breen from the San Diego Times Union-Tribune, and Mike Luckovich from the Atlanta Journal-Constitution.  It’s always fun to get together with my colleagues and this particular group had me laughing most of the time.  Especially Mike Peters.  The evening before our panel Roslyn herded us to a local Italian restaurant (think The Sopranos) and watching Mike interact with our waiter was priceless.

The next day while we waited in the hospitality room before our panel I mentioned to Mike that the former NSA and CIA director Michael Hayden was sitting over at the next table. Without missing a beat Mike rushed over to his table, introduced himself, and proceeded to ask the creator of the NSA warrantless surveillance program  to “just forget” hearing that obscene phone call he had with his wife.MikePeters&HaydenSM

A sketch from another panel at the Hofstra presidential conference, “The Constitution, Executive Power and National Security Post-9/11.  If you put everything Michael Hayden said during the discussion into one sentence it would be: The Obama administration is doing the same bad stuff we did.  HaydenPanelSketch

Statements in support of Charlie Hebdo

The two major U.S. cartooning groups and a cartoonists rights organization issued statements immediately after the massacre at the satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo (click on each for full statement).

The Association of American Editorial Cartoonists (AAEC):

AAECstatement of support Charlie Hebdo

The National Cartoonists Society (NCS):

NCSstatement support Charlie Hebdo

Cartoonists Rights Network International:

CRNI statement support Charlie Hebdo



The Charlie Hebdo massacre

Four cartoonists Five cartoonists were among the 12 murdered at the French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo on January 7th.  My colleagues have banded together and continue to offer their support in the way they know best- through cartoons.

I’ll add more links later but meanwhile here’s the cartoon I drew in support of Charlie Hebdo right after hearing the horrible news:


My opinion piece “The killing of cartoonists” at the Washington Post