Category: free speech

Russian cartoonist Victor Bogorad

I’ve been meaning to post these wonderful sketches by the Russian cartoonist Victor Bogorad ever since my return from the Memorial de Caen Dessin de Presse conference.  During a panel where we discussed religion and if there are limits in cartooning Victor was sitting in the audience, busily sketching.  He made a little booklet out of them which he presented to me afterwards.  I find his work quietly powerful, which not many people can accomplish.BogoradSketches2015

My Harpo Halloween costume

I’m not a big fan of Halloween as a holiday but did read this interesting article at the New York Times about Halloween costume correctness on campuses today.  California Institute of the Arts, the school I attended in the mid-8os was famous (or infamous) for their outrageous Halloween parties.  No costume correctness there; the biggest concern there was if the costume covered anything (paint seemed to be the choice of material).  This not being my style I decided on dressing up as Harpo Marx, complete with a curly wig, trench coat, and horn.  I loved this character- no talking, just blowing my horn as a response.


image from marxbrothers tumbler