This week I’m attending a cartoon conference in Caen, France with cartoonists from Algeria, Chad, France, Iran, Mexico, Morocco, Palestine, Portugal, Spain, and Russia. I’ll be posting photos and updates from the event..
Category: free speech
The Five Questions
I follow British editorial cartoonists and cartooning organizations on twitter so this morning there were several posts about the death of Tony Benn, a revered figure in UK politics. I have to admit I wasn’t aware of the impact he had on British politics. Listen to what he says about democracy and money in politics- and take a look at his ‘Five questions of Power’: I’m afraid I have to agree with Benn that “It’s questionable whether either in America or Britain we have a democracy” when money is considered speech by the Supreme Court. See questions 2, 3, 4.
More sketches of CPAC 2014 speakers
Anti-gay discrimination in the name of religion
I cannot tell you how furious I get when hearing a politician or representative from a special interest group trying to justify these so-called “Religious Freedom” bills now making their way through several state legislatures. These bills would allow businesses to deny services to gays because of the employer’s religious beliefs- which isn’t any different from not allowing blacks to sit at lunch counters reserved for white customers.
My take at the Washington Post
UPDATE: Arizona Governor Jan Brewer vetoes bill
RELATED: Oklahoma judge rules Texas’ gay marriage ban unconstitutional; cites “state-imposed inequality”
George W Bush still doesn’t get it
This past Sunday ABC’s This Week ran an interview with the former president where he talked about his involvement with veterans and the difficulties they face when re-entering civilian life. At one point Bush gets somewhat emotional and says “I’m in there with them”. No, you’re not. You (and your administration) are the reason so many are in a place where you are not.
Terrible news in Kiev this morning and not a peep from Putin.