The crazy Republican gathering of bread and circuses is over. Family Trump continues its promotional tour, Senator Cruz commits political suicide, and Angry White Men continue to yell. You can find all the live sketches here, here, and here.
Author: Ann
Sketching the Republican convention
I joined my colleague Matt Bors to do some sketching during the 3rd night of the Republican convention in Cleveland. Matt was actually on the west coast and I’m on the east so we kept in touch during the speeches via text. Head over to The Nib to see them all.
Canadian & US cartoonists on The Zoomer
Last May I headed off to Toronto to attend the Association of Canadian Cartoonists convention and spend time with some of my favorite colleagues and friends. While there a small group of us appeared on The Zoomer to talk shop and show our work. Conrad Black (yes, that Conrad Black) is a regular participate on the network and also a frequent target of my Canadian colleagues over the years, as you’ll hear about in the interview. Terry Mosher (aka Aislin), a longtime friend, from the Montreal Gazette gives some great insights and of course wonderful quips.
Social media and the Cruz cartoon controversy
I had always planned to write about the controversy over my Cruz cartoon last year but wanted to wait for a while to really think about the role social media played in it. I hoped the Columbia Journalism Review would consider publishing my piece and was so pleased when then CJR editor Liz Spayd agreed to take it on. Thank you also to current CJR editor Vanessa Gezari and Maralee Schwartz for their expertise and guidance; they were a pleasure to work with.
Mooning the Pulitzer Board
My story for the Columbia Journalism Review about the great editorial cartoonist Pat Oliphant goes live on Monday.
SCOTUS sends birth control decision back to lower courts
Supreme Court bobbleheads