Author: Ann

Gov. Perry’s reaction to Wendy Davis’ filibuster

07012013archivesboxWhile the Supreme Court was concluding their historic 2012 session, there was another important political story last week taking place in the Texas legislature.  State Senator Wendy Davis led a 11 hour filibuster against a restrictive anti-abortion bill, which resulted in  Gov. Rick Perry calling for another special session after time ran out before the bill could be voted on. Since the drama unfolded last Wednesday, the I-can’t-remember-the-third-one Texas governor has been following the Todd Akin model, giving a speech to a Right to Life group where he  mentioned that since Ms. Akin had been a teen-age mom herself and said that it’s “unfortunate that she hasn’t learned from her own example”.

animation: Rick Perry’s condescending response to Wendy Davis’ filibuster


Supreme Court rules DOMA unconstitutional

I was busy doing sketches and wrestling with my internet connection yesterday so wasn’t able to post about the 2 huge gay marriage cases the Supreme Court ruled on.  Here’s some photos I took of the atmosphere around the Court:


