Author: Ann

Calder, Lautrec, and Feiffer


One of the things I love best about living in Washington DC is the ability to just take a short walk down to the Mall and see the latest museum exhibition.  My favorite ones (so far) were the Alexander Calder and Toulouse Lautrec exhibitions  at the National Gallery of Art and the Jules Feiffer one at the Library of Congress.


Calder2smCalder exhibition flyer


Lautrec2smLautrec exhibition flyer


Feiffer2smFeiffer exhibition flyer


Do as I say, not as I do

It never ceases to amaze me when people from the GW Bush administration offer their thoughts about current political events, completely oblivious to the irony of their words today with their role getting us into the Iraq War.  Former Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld and most members of the Cheney Family seem to do this on a regular basis…102406IraqMasqueradeFrom the archives (2006)

Time for an atheist justice on the Supreme Court

JusticeAngelsI’ve mentioned this here before that I’m a firm believer in the Separation of Church and State.  Not because of my religious beliefs or non-beliefs but because I think Separation of Church and State is the best way to ensure that all Americans have the freedom to worship (or not) without intimidation or threats.

I think the Court is missing the point about allowing prayer in government institutions when using the “coercion” argument.  The issue isn’t whether or not the actual prayer praises or denigrates a particular faith- it’s whether there should be any prayers at all before a public town council meeting.  How about a moment of silence?  One could recite the Lord’s Prayer, offer praise to Allah, or just mentally go over your grocery list.  I myself would welcome a moment of silence before having to listen to politicians start blabbering.

World Press Freedom Day 2014

pressToday is World Press Freedom Day.  When I do cartoons about the media I tend to concentrate on the American one and it’s usually to criticize (see previous post).  However, there are many journalists throughout the world who are willing to put their lives in danger on a regular basis because they believe in what they do.  A free press is indispensable for a free society; it must be protected.