writings and interviews


selected interviews

The First Amendment can’t protect cartoonists from horrible bosses
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An interview about editorial cartooning and animation at the CTNexpo in Burbank/November 2015
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Philadelphia Daily News Signe Wilkinson and I appeared on C-Span in January of 2016 to discuss free speech and cartooning on the 1 year anniversary of the Charlie Hebdo murders.
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From the New York University website:

“One year ago, on January 7, 2015, terrorism attacked freedom of expression with the assault on the satire magazine Charlie Hebdo. The slogan “Je suis Charlie” became ubiquitous. All of Europe showed its solidarity with France. Many citizens living in capital cities placed garlands of flowers in front of the French embassies. The European media reproduced caricatures as a show of solidarity.

European cultural organizations hold on to the belief in the freedom of expression, and refuse to avoid difficult topics. Four caricaturists accepted our invitation to participate in a discussion about these questions: Steven Degryse (LECTTRR) from Belgium, Ann Telnaes (The Washington Post), Kevin Kallaugher (The Economist), Matt Wuerker (Politico).”

Steve Brodner, Ann Telnaes, Mark Fiore, and Nick Anderson talk about the future of editorial cartooning at the 2012 AAEC convention in Washington, DC.

Emory journalism lecturer Sissel McCarthy interviews Pulitzer Prize-winning cartoonist Ann Telnaes about her work during Cartooning for Peace and Health, March 28, 2012.

Bob Edwards interviews Ann Telnaes and Matt Wuerker about the role and future of editorial cartoonists. Both were attending the 2012 convention of the Association of American Editorial Cartoonists.

Listen to NPR’s Neal Conan talk to cartoonists Mike Luckovich of the Atlanta Journal Constitution and nationally syndicated Ann Telnaes about their craft and the Danish Cartoon Controversy- February 9, 2006.

Listen to NPR’s Susan Stamberg speaking with Ann Telnaes about her work and inspirations- July 18, 2004